Let’s Re-Elect President Trump and Elect a Pro-Trump, America First, MAGA Conservative with a Proven Record. I am that candidate in this race - the only one.

A Proven Constitution-First Conservative Standing Firm on Tough Issues

Ron Hanks

Ron is a 32-year military veteran who served  as an enlisted man and commissioned officer.  He worked as a linguist and intelligence officer. Ron has an extensive background in national security issues, and has worked in the energy industry, fracking the oil fields of North Dakota.

This Cause Is Bigger Than Any One of Us, But WHEN WE UNITE, We Defeat This Weaponized Deep State.  

I humbly ask you for your most generous donation.   

A $100 donation allows us to contact 200-400 voters. 
Thank You.

Maximum donation to an individual campaign is $3,300 per person per election cycle. $6,600 combined for Primary and General.

National Security and American Prosperity Can Be Restored

When We Fix These Fundamental Issues:

Border Security & Immigration

Re-securing our border and re-tasking border patrol increases National Security.

A Secure Border:

  • Stops unchecked millions from crossing into the United States.

  • Restricts the distribution of deadly fentanyl coming in from China.

  • Stops the trafficking of children and adults.

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Energy Independence

Restoring energy independence will immediately reduce the cost of gasoline, diesel, and natural gas.

  • Lower gasoline and diesel prices save American families money for all goods and groceries and it immediately slows inflation.

  • Lower diesel costs cut transportation costs.

Blue-Collar America can bring back American Energy Independence.

I AM Blue Collar America - a Prior-Enlisted, Truck-Driving, Frack Hand.

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American Manufacturing

Bringing Manufacturing back to America is National Security.

  • Secures our supply chain.

  • Reduces supply shortages of consumer goods (like we have seen since COVID).

  • Secure supply chains reduce inflation.

  • Provide good-paying jobs for Americans.

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Election Integrity

We have serious issues to fix….

  • Eliminate corrupted voter rolls and start over.

  • Require Photo ID

  • In-Person Voting

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Traditional Education

  • Restoring Traditional Education is a national priority.

  • Our children are being indoctrinated, not educated.

ELIMINATE the US Department of Education!

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I am pro-life. Life begins at conception.

  • I fought in the longest floor debate in Colorado history against the democrats heinous abortion bill.

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2nd Amendment

I will always fight for the 2nd Amendment.

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The Federal Government Is Out of Control…

It has no budget—it prints money and passes backroom emergency spending authorizations. Therefore...

Audit the Federal Reserve

We need to audit every federal department

Reign in Spending

  • No Continuing Resolutions; No Omnibus Spending Bills

  • Fund each Federal Department separately

Legislative Process Reform

  • One issue per bill—amendments that pertain to bill issue only

  • Citizens’ summary of each bill outlining purpose, costs, duration

  • Expiration date on every bill

Ron’s Reports

Together, ALL OF US, can Make America Great Again.