Our Republic is under GRAVE THREAT from within and without.
Not only has our incompetent federal government leadership run amuck, they have weaponized many of the key departments against us. Their willful ignorance is leading this country into ruin. Foreign enemies have made and continue to make their way into our country both overtly and covertly. Ron Hanks may be known for leading the charge on Election Integrity—a state-controlled issue—but now that he will be leaving the State House leadership and headed to Washington, D.C. as the next U.S. Senator from Colorado his focus is shifting to issues of national importance. Namely, National Security and Economic issues that concern and affect us all. Ron Hanks is now focused on restoring our country to greatness by concentrating on his four National Security and Economic Pillars.
#1 The Border Crisis
Not only are people freely flooding across our open borders, but some of those people are bringing with them fentanyl and children and adults who are being trafficked. Fentanyl is the new #1 killer of Americans. This is a national security concern!
We must Re-Secure Our Borders and Re-Empower our Border Patrol Agents to stop the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants and fentanyl across our border.
#2 Energy Independence
On day one of the Biden Regime Joe Biden sacrificed our energy independence to foreign powers who do not always have our best interests at heart. This puts our country in a dangerous position. We will be at the mercy of those in control of our energy supplies. This is a national security concern!
We must Restore Energy Independence so we don’t have to rely on the whims of foreign powers. We can do this within months by issuing permits to drill for oil and natural gas. The state of Wyoming alone has enough clean-burning coal underground to supply the entire United States for 400 YEARS!
#3 American Manufacturing
When fascism and totalitarianism reared its ugly head in the 1940s America was able to win WWII because our country quickly converted existing domestic factories to war-time production; typewriter makers started making rifles, car manufacturing plants switched to making tanks, clothing makers became uniform makers. That will not happen today. We have allowed all of our manufacturing to move out of the country. We can no longer convert to war-time manufacturing because we have no in-country manufacturing to convert from. Not to mention that everything around us runs on computer chips now, and all of those chips are made overseas. We have lost control of our manufacturing which means we have no control over the supply lines coming from overseas. This is a national security concern!
We must Restore American Manufacturing capabilities by returning them to the United States to restore control over our supply chain and stop relying on foreign governments for our goods.
#4 Education
When a national teachers’ organization requests that the Department of Justice declare parents who oppose unhinged school board policies as “domestic terrorists” and the D.O.J. COMPLIES, you KNOW our country is headed in the wrong direction. When schools teach CRT, SEL, and sexualize our children in KINDERGARTEN you KNOW our country is headed in the wrong direction.
We must Restore Traditional Education in our schools to stop INDOCTRINATING our children and return to EDUCATING them and teaching them about this great nation—both the good and bad—so they love America as much as we do and they don’t make the same mistakes being made now. To that end, we must Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education!
But we can’t stop there.
There are so many additional issues tearing our country apart right now that they cannot be ignored. Three of the most important issues that are confounding our country today regard the issues of Pro-Life, the Second Amendment, and Inflation.
Ron Hanks is 100% Pro-Life and believes “Everyone Deserves A Birthday.” The Colorado state government overcame tenacious, record-breaking Republican opposition to its latest, unlimited abortion bill that will make our state an abortion destination for people across the country. That is truly a sad and heinous thing to be known for. In the Colorado US Senate race, Ron is the ONLY candidate who’s unwavering Pro-Life position aligns with the Colorado GOP and the National Republican platforms which defends the lives of the unborn. Ron believes abortion is murder. Period.
Our Second Amendment
As an active gun club member, concealed carry permit holder, and NRA Certified One-Mile long-range shooter, Ron Hanks proactively supports the Second Amendment. Ron is the only Colorado US Senate candidate who has fought for our God-given right to self-defense by introducing Pro-Second Amendment legislation in the Colorado House. He sponsored two 2A-friendly bills and co-sponsored a third;
HB21-1070 Repeal Ammunition Magazine Prohibition
(Sponsor) - The bill would repeal the law “Prohibiting the sale, transfer, or possession of certain large-capacity ammunition magazines.”
HB22-1033 Constitutional Carry of a Handgun
(Sponsor) - The bill would grant a person who is at least 21 years old and permitted to possess a handgun pursuant to federal and state law the same authority to carry a concealed handgun as a person who holds a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
HB-22-1070 Deadly Force Against Intruder At A Business
(Co-Sponsor) - The bill would extend the right to use deadly physical force against an intruder under certain conditions to include owners, managers, and employees of a business.
Ron is the ONLY candidate who has PROVEN he supports the Second Amendment to the entire state of Colorado through his ACTIONS, not just his words as other candidates have! Ron will continue his commitment to the Second Amendment by further enforcing ”shall not be infringed” in the Senate chambers of the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
It seems that the regime currently in the White House is intent on bringing this country to its knees through willful economic mismanagement that not only causes inflation but encourages it to run rampant. And the record-breaking inflation we’re all experiencing is ruining more families with every passing day while the ‘leaders’ in Washington tell us it’s not that bad!
Restoring American manufacturing and reducing transportation costs by Restoring Energy Independence will make bringing goods to market more economical thereby making those goods cheaper and ultimately help getting inflation under control.
Our Questionable Future
We have all seen and heard enough. Polls increasingly show that more and more people agree that our country is headed in the wrong direction. Globalization has proven to not be the answer. We each need to take an active part in how our future plays out. Choosing Ron Hanks as your next U.S. Senator from the state of Colorado will ensure that your values are continued to be held dear and defended in Washington.
Know that Ron Hanks’ National Security and Economic pillars will Restore Colorado and Re-Secure America by:
Restoring Border Security to enable America to reduce the proliferation of fentanyl and human trafficking which are intentionally meant to destroy this country.
Restoring Energy Independence to return the US to being a net exporter of energy and reduce our reliance on other countries.
Restoring American Manufacturing to eliminate our reliance on foreign made goods making the US a stronger ally to our freedom-loving friends throughout the world.
Restoring Traditional Education to ensure a positive future for our country by instilling the ideals established by our founding fathers.
We are at a crossroads and must choose to change our direction for the good of the state and the nation to Restore Colorado and Re-Secure America!
We Can Restore Colorado, and We Will Re-Secure America.
Ron Hanks outside the Colorado Capitol talking to Patriots about their concerns.
Meet Ron
Combat veteran Ron Hanks served in the military throughout the world and across the United States. Looking forward to retirement, our out-of-control government forced him back into public service because Ron could not stand idly by doing nothing.
Ron retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2017 after more than 32 years of active and reserve service as an enlisted man and commissioned officer. He worked as a linguist in Desert Storm and multiple other operations; including Northern Watch, Southern Watch, and Earnest Will. During the Global War on Terror, Ron served as an intelligence officer performing duties in Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates.
Ron served in several other capacities during his career, to include being a treaty escort for foreign inspectors from Russia and other countries, as a counter-drug officer in Kazakhstan working to stop the flow of drugs out of Afghanistan that funded the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and as a badged, credentialed counterintelligence agent.
When not deployed or in uniform Ron worked as a fracking hand in the oilfields of North Dakota witnessing first-hand the benefits of American energy independence, the merits of environmentally-friendly hydraulic fracturing, and the spirit and American know-how of Blue-Collar Americans.
We are grateful for this day, for this opportunity to move the needle, or to move the mountain. May this day be the awakening of the country toward truth and light. May more of us come to understand all that is occurring during our time. May we band together to face it, shoulder to shoulder, stepping forward in unison, collecting allies beside us, protecting the innocent behind us. May we push back the enemy in ways that surprise and overwhelm them, and force them to face the reality of the evil they do and toward repentance for it. May this country thrive under warm light and abundance, with unity and brotherhood and divine purpose at the forefront.
— Ron Hanks, 2022 Western Conservative Summit