Contact: info@hanksforcolorado.com

Phone: 719 352 5264

Website: www.HanksForColorado.com


Former State Representative Ron Hanks was pleased to participate in the 3rd Congressional District debate in Durango, Colorado. 


Noticeably missing from Tuesday night’s debate was the Never-Trump “Americans for Prosperity” candidate, Jeff Hurd.  Jeff Hurd has missed every debate, and only attended the GOP assembly in April to electioneer – not to participate in the assembly process.  The attendees at yesterday’s debate were noticeably irritated by the disinterest shown by candidate Hurd, who seems to be following the Joe Biden campaign model of hiding from the voters, a tactic presumably encouraged by his establishment-Republican endorsers, such as ousted Congressman Scott Tipton. 


Also missing were questions on the most important issues facing our nation.  Vital national security issues such as open borders, illegal immigration, energy, inflation, crime, manufacturing, and agriculture were not asked directly.  An audio review revealed Hanks brought up those issues independently 31 times.  Candidate Russ Andrews mentioned those issues five times, and Webb, Varela, and McCrackin addressed only 1 of those issues a single time.  These national security issues are the fundamental concerns congressional members will be dealing with.  Without question, they are the most important issues to the voters, and the lack of dialog on them was troubling.    


Rep. Hanks reiterated his emphatic support of President Trump’s America First agenda.  He mentioned his previous efforts in the Colorado House to legalize Constitutional Carry of Firearms and to restore Election Integrity.  Further, Hanks’ background in National Security was evident in his answers to questions on aid to Ukraine and Israel, given his experience in Russia, the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan, and his 10 years as an Arabic linguist. 


Rep. Hanks delivered several blows to candidate Varela’s ongoing battle with the truth. Hanks referred to Varela as the fake-Republican in the race, and further destroyed Varela’s assertion that he is a pro-Trump conservative, noting Varela voted for Biden in 2020.  Hanks finished by noting Varela suffered significant setbacks with the retraction of endorsements by former Congressman Tom Tancredo and Veterans for Trump. 


The CD3 debate, while somewhat limited in reach, was a vital effort to reach voters in this crucial election, and Rep Hanks is on record saying there should be more debates across this 27-county district.   




Varela Lies About Veterans’ Endorsement; Hanks Calls It ‘Akin to Stolen Valor’
